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Let's Talk About Safety ...

Greetings everyone!

I guess some of you can relate to this image! Especially now.

I hope you are well, staying sane, and also that your knitting is providing you with some comfort and relaxation at this time of great uncertainty for many people in our nation. I hope you secured your copy of my Give Me Strength pattern, designed rather quickly during this lock down situation, and which is still FREE on Ravelry and Lovecrafts for at least another week, after which I hope to have my sample finished and the pattern finally updated with extra photos etc. It will then be offered for sale, as another special offer.


Moving on to what I would like to share with you all. This is a delicate issue that I am sharing because it has to do with the treatment of others. I know I am probably 'preaching to the converted' but I may not be, in some cases. I may lose subscribers as a result. So be it. But I feel strongly that I must speak up, in support of some who have been horribly attacked in recent days. If you don't agree with what I say, then please do your own research and see what honest conclusions you can come to. That is all I ask of you. To those of you who knew nothing about what you are about to read, I am sorry if this puts a dampener on your day....

... All any of us currently knows right now and has the right to comment on factually, is the experience/s we are living through personally. Anything we read or hear, unless told to us from a reliable source, should be regarded as hearsay, until proven otherwise. Opinions are just that, opinions. It is what we do with our opinions that has the potential for good, or for evil ...

Unfortunately, there are some in the yarn community have drawn their swords this past week, and demonstrated quite clearly that they are more than ready to do battle with others in this same community. It has been truly awful to witness the vitriol that has spewed over into what should be a safe haven for all.

What killed it for me is that I read a piece of writing on social media, by someone fronting a craft related business, who claimed to have done recent research, and, stating that they had past legal experience, then proceeded to totally misinform their followers about how Skeinz came to be trading online again. People were quick to jump on board with the arguments presented, despite the fact that some key and readily available information was clearly left out of this 'news' being shared. Some very sweeping and judgmental comments were subsequently hurled. Many, literally attacking a business that had actually gone through all the proper channels to make sure that what they were doing was correct. Later in the week I saw the same thing start to happen to another company here. I will be following that up. This is truly disappointing and damaging behaviour.

I understand that there is fear out there. I get that. What I do not get is the responses arising from that fear, that appear not to be based on all the facts, and are in some cases truly horrible to witness.

If some businesses choose not to apply to continue to trade online - even if they could, that is their prerogative, and yes, we should all respect that. Likewise, any business who goes through the proper channels and is then given permission to trade online (by the governing authorities), should also be respected. I went back and re read the statement I mentioned above, prior to sending this, and I remain convinced that this is a serious case of misrepresentation. I am not naming this business. That is not my place. Rather, I am sticking up for those who are upfront and honest in their business dealings, and who should not have to answer to bullying tactics exhibited by those who see possibly view it as an ideal opportunity to drag a fellow competitor down.

Please everyone, keep each other safe - emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.

We need to do this. We CAN do this!

I will be back next week, all going well - with more news, and hopefully another great offer for you all.

Thank you so much, once again, for your continued support - it is much appreciated!

I hope some of you will stick around!


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