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Keep Calm - Knit/Crochet On!

For our Knitting/Crochet Community:

(And this will be me for the rest of today!)

I recently shared the link to an online article in a Facebook Group I run, and it reminded me, that those of us who knit and crochet quickly realise that if we continue to pursue our hobbies, we remain calmer and more focused, especially in times of great uncertainty, such as we are now in with the declared pandemic that is Corona Virus. There is no doubt that this is a threat to be taken seriously, especially when it comes to the vulnerable, and we all have a responsibility to help prevent it spreading further, by adopting the measures recommended by those in charge of doing their best to contain it.

Perhaps this might also be a very good time to consider another way we can use our skills. Any skills. To help those who are also struggling with things that never make the headlines, some of whom live day by day with crippling circumstances that threaten to consume them. I'm sure we all know at least one person, or one family that could use some support, for whatever reason. After all, there are times when many of us have relied on someone else to help carry us through a dark time in our lives. We are all familiar with the phrase, "Pay it Forward." And you know, sometimes it helps take our minds off our own problems, if we make the effort to help someone else in need. It can actually be very therapeutic for the help - er, as well as the help -ee.

Anyway, I leave those thoughts with you. I am probably 'preaching to the converted' already, but hey - sometimes a gentle nudge is a reminder that some of us appreciate receiving.

Continue to support your favourite designers, local yarn stores or online stores, and dyers, by purchasing patterns and yarn, if you can. If you are not in a position to purchase, consider sharing links to websites and Social Media accounts. When someone puts out a new pattern/yarn, or has a special offer, share it with others, even if you are not going to take advantage of it yourself. It ALL helps. I know I really appreciate it when someone thinks to do that for me. It costs us nothing to share online, to 'spread the love' as it were, and it might even even help to keep a business alive in these difficult times.

I don't have anything to report design wise yet, but as I alluded to last time I have some things on the horizon and look forward to sharing something with you very soon.

There may even be news of a SPECIAL PROMOTION in the next day or so,

if I can get my thoughts together enough to sort something!

(Later on, if not!)

In the meantime, if you haven't joined my group on Facebook, Knitting & Crochet Knowledge Bank - please pop over and take a look to see if it interests you. And I would love it, if you don't already follow me on Social Media, and are active on Facebook or Instagram to consider following me on either or both platforms. If you are an active Ravelry user, please also feel free to join my Group.

Thank you so much!


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