How are YOU doing?
Given the fact that New Zealand is currently preparing to shut down except for all essential services, in order to stop the spread of Corona Virus, and we are all having to make changes in our lives so we can do our part to assist in this collective effort - how are YOU doing? So many things have been happening recently to interrupt our lives as we know them, and now lock down! It's drastic, yes, but I do believe and wholeheartedly endorse that this IS the right thing given all the evidence, particularly when we look at how this pandemic has affected Italy. This is happening to SAVE LIVES! And I am grateful for that, even if it means we have to make some adjustments and be inconvenienced for a period. The alternative does not bear thinking about!

Let us remember that this is for our GOOD and NOT to harm us. That if we do what we are told, and suck it up for as long as we need to, we WILL come out of it at the other end. And sooner! We might even manage to make some special memories if we look for the silver lining in this cloud that threatens to smother us - if we let go, and go with the flow!
I just keep saying to myself and anyone who will listen, 'we don't want another Italy situation" - and I am sure you will all agree with me on that. Yes, it will be very tough for many people, and my own family is going to be and indeed already is to a certain extent, severely impacted, so I am aware that this is going to be no picnic! But, there will be silver linings if we care to look for them, and we must look for them if we are going to endure.
I worry particularly about those who cannot look after themselves for one reason or another, and we all know people in that situation. I think we need to be vigilant and if we think someone is perhaps having a tougher time than us, let us see what we can do to ease the load for them. We can still do this. We have telecommunications and internet! There are many ways that people will struggle. Financial struggle is of course the uppermost concern for most. Isolation is another. If someone lives on their own, let's not take it for granted that others are checking on them. A phone call can make all the difference to someone in this situation. And maybe an offer of (acceptable and allowable) assistance in some way, should they need it. An assurance that we are only a phone call away if something happens and they need a friendly voice or guidance.
Today I want to remind you about my Facebook Group, where I am, particularly now, trying to encourage and support those in isolation due to lock downs and the like. Please join me there if you would like to view some amazing content. You can help by becoming a part of it.
I hope you managed to snag your FREE copy of my Belle of the Ball Cape pattern if you were planning on doing so? If not there is still time, the offer (sent out last week) ends 11.59 pm on 26 March, 2020. It's available on Lovecrafts and Ravelry.
Until next time, stay safe, keep crafting, remember that we are all in this together - and, that we can do this!
Best regards,