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And the people stayed home ...

(Let me just say before continuing, that if you read to the end, or yes, just read the last paragraph because you're really smart!) you might discover something that appeals, which I am offering to SUBSCRIBERS ONLY).

It seems we have a 'new normal' here in New Zealand - and I wonder how everyone is coping? Is that a silly question?! Did you read the poem? Isn't it beautiful? I am a little perturbed though, that yarn crafts are not mentioned! No, not really - but I do confess to finding myself wanting to add a verse and include that option in there, haha!

I believe, that in these days we seriously need to remind those who previously laughed at us because of our stash acquisitions, or even the fact that we dare to do such 'old people' things, and some of us even in public (?!), that we now have an edge! We actually possess some serious stress busting tools! We have in fact been preparing for this - and we knew it all along! (Even if we didn't, haha!) We are armed and ready - but not dangerous! And more likely to remain amenable to others if we "stick to the knitting/crochet" - or whatever wonderful therapeutic crafts we enjoy. Crafters are (generally) good at meditating - and zoning out! And our crafts will help keep us afloat over this period.

Perhaps you are in the group that thinks, 'sweet, enforced staycation - now I have an excuse to shut myself away, and do what I like without worrying about it.' Or perhaps you are in the group that is anxious and afraid, not quite sure of how to react and wondering what is coming next? Even if you do have your knitting or crochet to be going on with? Perhaps you have lost your place of accommodation or your job, or perhaps you are suffering physically or mentally in other ways, and no one seems to care because Corona Virus is uppermost in their thoughts. Have people become more selfish in your opinion, or have they become more concerned about each other?

How has it been for you with the essential services you require? Are you aware of what services are still available? Are the people working in these services meeting your needs? Conversely, are you being considerate of them and their needs? Are you one of the people still employed in an essential service? If so, you will have your own challenges to face and not all of them will be pleasant. We have heard and seen evidence of that in recent days and you guys deserve medals for what some of you put up with!

For those who are coping well, is there someone you know who may be cut off from communication, who might need you to update them? Or to assist them in other (safe) ways Not everyone is computer literate. So much is now unfamiliar for many, and most likely quite scary. How will people know what is happening if they are not technology savvy? Oh yes, we have TV and radio! But does everyone have access to at least one of these options? I certainly don't think we should take anything for granted in the older generation, many of whom still live in their own homes.

It's a tough time we're in, and we need to remember that we ARE in this boat together. If ONE person rocks the boat, we may ALL fall out! What I have learned from the experts I have listed to so far, is that if we act as if we have the virus, then it will be curbed, lives will be saved - and we will come through this at the other end! I don't know how so many, seemingly intelligent people, find that so difficult a concept to grasp?

My prayer is that we will all use our enforced isolation as a time to reflect on how we can do things better in the future. And now that we have time to think, our thoughts will be drawn to the deeper things in life. The part of us that no one else sees is the part that is struggling right now.

I started knitting myself a sweater the night before we were told we were going into lock down, transitioning quickly from Level 3 to Level 4 on the scale. That night I couldn't face knitting on it, because my mind was all over the place, and so I was glad I had my mindless (crochet) Blanket project there to pick up.

I find myself now also working on a new design - inspired, strangely enough, by the current situation. It's not that I don't have others in the wings or enough to be getting on with already, but like most people who have difficulty focusing at times, I want to be able to knit on something that is fun, mindless, and suitable for stash busting. This promises to be all of these.


Please read a later post, here - the proposed Knit Along was cancelled.

And ... I am wondering if anyone is interested in joining me, with very primitive, but simple instructions, in an informal KNIT ALONG, to work with me on this design. If you are, please email me at - and I will let you know more details. I am limiting this offer to YOU, my lovely subscribers! We will see how it goes. I am happy for anyone who has a large stash of fingering weight - OR DK weight upwards, to join me as I work on releasing the pattern. If we get enough people then I would also consider starting a dedicated facebook group JUST FOR THIS. So - I shall leave it with you. No pressure! If you know anyone else who might be interested then forward this to them, and get them to also subscribe. It's not too late - this is going to be a very relaxed experience.

Thanks for 'listening' regardless of whether or not you wish to join in. I'll be back!

Fondest Regards,


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